General Rustoleum paint

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Hand-rollering or brushing bodywork with Rustoleum Combicolour

Roller-paint your van for £50 (with Rustoleum Combicolour)

Painting chassis parts with Rustoleum Combi

Steveo3002: Please don't use Hammerite, there's better stuff available with little effort taken to find it.
I have done some of my VW Golf parts with Rustoleum Combi paint, here are a few pictures of the results.

Rustoleum ChassisPainting ST3002 01.jpg

Rustoleum ChassisPainting ST3002 02.jpg

Rustoleum ChassisPainting ST3002 03.jpg


Vactan is a rust-treatment inhibitor often used by the Rustoleum persuasion

i.e. search the Wiki on Vactan

See Also

Dinitrol RC900 Rust-off primer + Eastwoods Chassis Black (for chassis parts)