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Since I have had the spinal op I noticed how bad my original seats were on long journeys.
I recently picked up a pair of Recaro reclining seats which I intend to get trimmed to match my refurbed interior but the problem is how to fit them?
The seats come with the original Recaro slider mechanism (bar across the front) which is a nice system. Unfortunately there is a width difference between the stock seat so mounting them could be a fabrication job.
I want to keep the ability to slide them on/off the original van runners so does anyone have any idea how to bracket/modify the bases/runners for a good fit
Thx in advance.
'90 Syncro Hightop. Ex-BUPA/Rowan ambulance with 2.0L GTI power and some curious windows.
im in the process of sorting this out meself. i have some half leather rover recaro sytle and it sounds like your encountering the same issues as me. I intend to remove the runners of the new seats and use the runners off the old seats that are in there now.
Unfortunately the runners on the newer seats make the sitting position to high and your legs will touch the steering wheel, making it harder to reach the pedals too, you could get a smaller steering wheel i guess but youd still have the reaching the pedal problem, so i guess the only option is to remove the runners and replace with the originals. I shall be gettin some pics when im done, although it does look like im going to have to make some brackets for the runners or get them welded in, either way your gonna have to end up fabricating something......
I think this is why a few folks are fitting SAAB seats which are a relatively easy swap. I have tried them in someone else's van and they are a distinct improvement especially if you are over 6' tall - they support your legs better as well as your back.
1985 Oettinger 3.2 Caravelle RHD syncro twin slider. SA Microbus bumpers, duplex winch system, ARC 7X15 period alloys
Have to agree on the saab seats, a mate has recently put some in his T4 which i had the pleasure of being passenger in for a couple of days recently.
they do sit a little higher than the original spec seats, but for a longer legged person they are very comfy. Have loads of adjustment too, so you can get them just right.
Saab seats are great yeah but I guess that's why they command more money, I've now got mine in properly, although they had to be stripped down to the base. Used the old runners off original seats, then got em welded onto the base. I guess my point is anything will fit, so people should explore other routes than saabs i'm sure it'll be a lot cheaper too.
i paid £150for 2 sets of saab seats, one half leather (in the syncro) from a 2005 95, and a full leather set (in the camper) from a 9000. both in very good nick from a saab breakers. not too bad when you think that an all right pair a captins chairs will fech £200plus. there was some one fitted mr2 seats on a while ago. looked quite nice.