For documenting and technical details of T25 restorations and major repairs This section is for major restorations only.where to buy a panel or where to buy window rubbers belong in the bodywork seats and glass section.
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Thought this one was worth sharing as it’s not just the usual sills and arches!
I knew from it’s tear stains and the fact that the gutters came off in my hand in their entirety that the top would have to come off first to assess whether it was too far gone.
It had passed its MOT in October before coming to me and is pretty solid lower down, Lhd so I guess it was imported from somewhere at some point.
Started stripping out and revealed expanding foam all round the inside
Roof off and the full horror revealed
As the hightop covers most of it so it didn’t need to be to pretty just solid we agreed to get on with it.
Break out the angle grinder and cutting discs!
6 lengths of gutter section from Schofields plus a few additional bits and it soon starts to look better
The bit above the top corner of the screen was quite bad
All done on the nearside, hightop painted, screen corners are done but I’ve not photo’d them yet, front edge of the dashtop is knackered so will need one of those! Started sealing and painting under the arches.