Plumbing advice request - Motorised Valve

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Re: Plumbing advice request - Motorised Valve

Post by lloydy »

shaky wrote:
lloydy wrote:righto, with the timer in the on position and the downstairs and upstairs stat turned right down does the boiler fire up? (shouldn't do)
if you now just turn up the upstairs stat does the boiler fire up? (should do if it is wired to the boiler)

Basically the two port valves have 5 wires..
yellow/green = earth
blue = neutral
grey = permanent live
brown = 240v from room/cylinder stat
orange = 240v(from valve) to switch live connection on boiler.

so basically when the stat calls for heat the brown wire goes live, this makes the valve open. once fully open the orange wire goes live and fires the boiler up.
you could always have a look and see if the orange wire for the upstairs valve is connected to anything

The boiler does as you say. Thermostats down and the boiler flame is off. Turn up the upstairs thermostat and the boiler fires up.

So still puzzled as to why the valve motor buzzes while the boiler is off. I can see me getting another head for it at this rate.

I will take a look at the wiring tomorrow once I've done my chores for SWMBO!

Thanks for the help Lloydy.
Without being there and seeing it the flesh as such I would say get a new 2 port Honeywell valve off ebay, they go for around 20 odd pound so not too expensive. It really is a cheap valve you have there and best swapped out anyway
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Re: Plumbing advice request - Motorised Valve

Post by shaky »

lloydy wrote: Without being there and seeing it the flesh as such I would say get a new 2 port Honeywell valve off ebay, they go for around 20 odd pound so not too expensive. It really is a cheap valve you have there and best swapped out anyway

Thanks Lloydy. I totally understand that you've helped as far as you can without seeing the wiring. I will get a Honeywell head. Your advice gives me a direction to go in.. A quick bit of googling tells me which one to get and wiring the thing up is well within my capabilities.

I took a look at the wiring this morning: The wiring from the two valves, thermostats, and a lead from the boiler all go into a large junction box that looks a bit like a spiders web, but it should be easy enough to replace like for like.

The earths and blue wires from both valves do as you say as does the greys but they go to a brown from the boiler which must be a permanantly live from the boiler. Both oranges go to a Yellow/green from the boiler that has brown tape round it so I guess this is the switched live from the boiler. The brown valve wires do go to respective stat wires. So I guess the wiring is okay.. I am still puzzled as to why the valve motor is still buzzing even if the boiler is off, but I will get the head changed for a better one as a first job and go from there...

Thanks again for pointing me in the right direction.
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Re: Plumbing advice request - Motorised Valve

Post by billybigspud »

Clock to on with the upstairs stat down and the down stairs one up do the upstairs radiators come on?

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Re: Plumbing advice request - Motorised Valve

Post by shaky »

billybigspud wrote:Clock to on with the upstairs stat down and the down stairs one up do the upstairs radiators come on?

Hi billy

No the upstairs rads don't come on with the uptairs stat down and the downstairs stat up.

However with the clock to off if I turn the upstairs stat up the buzzing starts as if the valve is wanting to open. Lloydys wiring diargram suggests that there should be no power to the vlave if the boiler clock is off.

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Re: Plumbing advice request - Motorised Valve

Post by billybigspud »

There will be a permanent live on the grey. ( or orange if they have wired it backwards ) You could try removing the stat from the equation and just put the common and call together in a block and see if it still buzzes. Some stats have a neutral and an anticipator that could be causing this if it is faulty and causing a series circuit. Worth a try.

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Re: Plumbing advice request - Motorised Valve

Post by Eloise »


Change the valve head over this afternoon. Really straight forward job. It took ten mins even with sod all access to it. Three screws and five wires. Heating working perfectly now from the stat. Just like to say thanks for all the advice.

Cheers, Neil.
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Re: Plumbing advice request - Motorised Valve

Post by what2do »

WTAF?  8 years has passed, I think it's safe to say the problem has been rectified.
Why would the glass be anything other than half full?

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Re: Plumbing advice request - Motorised Valve

Post by R0B »

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