I have taken alternator apart and added the cable so I can make the tachometer work. I have tested it and it’s sending a variable current with acceleration.
I tested the rev counter using the method above but connected it to a 12v battery and the alternator cable.
Pin 1 12v battery minus
Pin 2 TCA for 10v connected to 12v battery plus
Pin 3 cable from alternator
I get no movement. Any thoughts?
Am I testing it wrong?
Could I have the wrong wires set up and if so could this brake the tachometer?
VW Rev Counter Retrofit
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Re: VW Rev Counter Retrofit
1983 1.9DG Petrol (4 Speed) T25 Leisuredrive High Top
Re: VW Rev Counter Retrofit
You can see no w wire
Here you can see I soldered a wire in for the w feed
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1983 1.9DG Petrol (4 Speed) T25 Leisuredrive High Top
Re: VW Rev Counter Retrofit
I just added a pod with a rev counter and a volt meter in where the ashtray was. Very simple!!
Re: VW Rev Counter Retrofit
Thx, if I can’t get this working I’ll resort to something similar
1983 1.9DG Petrol (4 Speed) T25 Leisuredrive High Top
Re: VW Rev Counter Retrofit
Tried testing with a battery charger on the coil. No difference but I did kill the coil
FYI I think I have a diesel tachometer on a dg1.9 petrol.
Has anyone successfully used a diesel tacho in a petrol. If so am I on the right track? W wire , 10v
Or have I missed something. I have just checked the tacho mechanism with the buzz setting on my multimeter and it moves the needle so either I’m doing something wrong or I have an issue on the board, however the board looks ok.
FYI I think I have a diesel tachometer on a dg1.9 petrol.
Has anyone successfully used a diesel tacho in a petrol. If so am I on the right track? W wire , 10v
Or have I missed something. I have just checked the tacho mechanism with the buzz setting on my multimeter and it moves the needle so either I’m doing something wrong or I have an issue on the board, however the board looks ok.
1983 1.9DG Petrol (4 Speed) T25 Leisuredrive High Top
Re: VW Rev Counter Retrofit
Any insight will be greatly received
1983 1.9DG Petrol (4 Speed) T25 Leisuredrive High Top
Re: VW Rev Counter Retrofit
Worth a read (13) Will a petrol rev counter work with a diesel engine - Club 80-90 Forums (club8090.co.uk)
(13) Tacho options for a petrol dash? - Club 80-90 Forums (club8090.co.uk)
(13) Tacho options for a petrol dash? - Club 80-90 Forums (club8090.co.uk)
2.1 LPG/Petrol Auto Caravelle
"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits"
"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits"
Re: VW Rev Counter Retrofit
Where I am at present is
It looks like the diesel tacho will need a converter to work on a petrol even after adding the w wire (there seems to be conflicting info about this)
I could get a converter or get a Chinese taco and take out the circuit board.
I would buy the converter but I can’t find one that uses the w wire so I’m going to buy a Chinese tachometer and report back.
Unless anyone knows where I can get a petrol circuit board.
Thanks for all your help. This forum is fantastic.
Where I am at present is
It looks like the diesel tacho will need a converter to work on a petrol even after adding the w wire (there seems to be conflicting info about this)
I could get a converter or get a Chinese taco and take out the circuit board.
I would buy the converter but I can’t find one that uses the w wire so I’m going to buy a Chinese tachometer and report back.
Unless anyone knows where I can get a petrol circuit board.
Thanks for all your help. This forum is fantastic.
1983 1.9DG Petrol (4 Speed) T25 Leisuredrive High Top
Re: VW Rev Counter Retrofit
Got it in and working by turning the little frequency dial on the back even without the 10v regulator.
However when I start her up again I need to wiggle the screw dial on the back to get it working. I’m going to try with the 10v regulator and report back.
However when I start her up again I need to wiggle the screw dial on the back to get it working. I’m going to try with the 10v regulator and report back.
1983 1.9DG Petrol (4 Speed) T25 Leisuredrive High Top