I have to thank every single person that took a ride in our chariots for such a good cause.
A massive thank you to Shaun, Geoff, James and David (along with myself) for pasting their trucks round and round and round for several hours and many many laps of the offroad course, tirelessly picking up passengers and dropping them back only to have more shuffled efficiently in by Fiona, Gillian, Daniel, Jenny, Ethan and Luis, Kirsty chatting up the passers by and drawing them in.
(massive thank you to all the stars that ensured smooth running has been done in the roll call thread

We are not quite sure of the actual numbers of passengers carried as there are many many sheets of paper with names on, but a fair estimate is around 500 passengers...
There were quite a few people had a second ride too..

Max and Fiona had organised a couple of other items (plant sales and a "Gin bar") which rasied a few quid too..

The total for the weekend was an amazing and astoundingly incredible and humbling amount..
Every single penny taken will be handed over to the Macmillan cancer support charity, in addition to the monies raised from Syncropendence.
None of the drivers have been reimbursed with fuel costs etc..
Thank you for you generous donations, be it financial, time, skill, etc etc..