Talk:Camping Interior Propex

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Re how well does a Propex 1600 heat a camper van. The following are some observations I made on a very cold nights camp over:-

A few days ago I went to visit a friend who is staying at a village pub about 5 miles away. It was a very cold, freezing temperatures type of night, and it snowed. I had planned to have a few "scoops" with him and to stay over in the van (Tin-Top). At about 11pm I switched the Propex on to pre warm the van. At about 12:30pm I decided to retire for the night. I was quite surprised at how cold the van still was after 90 minutes of heating, with the stat on full blast (ie not switching off at all). I was fine once wrapped up in the duvet, but it set me thinking...

These Propex 1600 units take air in from inside the van, so on first switching on they are warming air that is, under those conditions, likely to be a bit below freezing point, then, as the van warms up, they are taking air in that is getting gradually warmer, and so the cycle continues, getting more efficient as the air in the van warms up.

The upshot of this is that, in very cold conditions, it takes quite a long time for 1600 Watts of heat to warm a very cold van (even longer for a Hi-Top and even longer again for a Pop-Top).

I suppose some of those solver insulated window covers would help, I do have some, but had not bothered to stick them up