Steering and suspension Steering shaft joints
Steering Column shaft coupling (inside vehicle)
Fullsonian: I'm trying to find a replacememt steering coupling for the one at the bottom of the steering shaft in the vehicle cab. The one that has the two pins passing through, it wears out and makes the steering rattle like hell Can't find them on brickwerks, anybody know anywhere that does them?
Toolsntat: On mine I have 2 rubber grommets that those 2 pins go into and not bare metal. Are your grommets missing?
Fullsonian: Thanks for that. The grommets are there but have gone oval. Like I said it knocks like hell over bumps! Going to strip it tomorrow and have a good look...
vern41130: Mine has a jubilee clip round it, was wondering why and I'm guessing I've found out!
Probably not the greatest solution ? Isnt this the bit that's supposed to come apart in a crash to stop you getting a steering wheel to the face
lhd: They make a massive difference when renewed.
cruz: This has just reminded me to change my grommet bushes too as my steering has been sloppy in the middle for years. Obsolete at VW and classic parts.
They are now only available from Justkampers part number J10271
First is the new grommet/bush (2 per van) and coupling (3 per van); Second is where they fit on the van; Third is the old knackered coupling I removed
One of the runner plate UJ couplings, fits the column approx at the floor aperture position (big rubber boot)
Two others connect the relay shaft from the relay box to the steering rack.
NB. Some differences underneath on power-steering models
Cruz: Just letting people know that the steering bushes mentioned above are NLA from VW as of the beginning of 2010
JK to the rescue for £2.30 each (08/2010) Steering column bushes available from JK
toolsntat: Just a timely reminder that I had rattly steering for a while, until one day it went clunk and then floppy @@
It was because one of the bolts on the first flexi-joint had worked loose and then dropped out as we were going along the A14 (a leisure battery terminal bolt saved the day ).
Steering Column shaft rubber UJ Couplings (outside vehicle)
These noise isolation UJ's are flat rubber disc/plate type, with 4 push-fit steel bushes taking short M8 nuts and bolts.
The one at the steering rack end of the return shaft seems to go first, seen many on Syncros that are perished badly, once we saw a Syncro lose or break a bolt.
At the steering box end, one joint might require removing the splined fitting, if so, scribe the two, so that steering is dead-ahead centre-aligned when refitted!
Latest Update
Steering Column Bushes and Steering Coupling
Over time the rubber tophat steering column bushes (the area where the column splits in an accident) become oval giving excess play in the steering without anything happening at the wheels. Not good in winds.
Also the safety coupling at the base of the steering column can also degrade (there is one under the van too) and you can end up with no steering. See mine in the picture below!!
Steering column bushes available from JK
..and Couplings from Brickwerks
I have attached some images
First is the new bushes (2 per van) and coupling
Second is where they fit on the van
Third is the old knackered coupling I removed
It's pretty straight forward thing to fix. Just make sure you mark the positions on the spline when dismantling the column so you get it back in the same place.