Insurance Camper

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80-90 Ian Hulley

Ammount per year..................... £156

Insuarance company................... Adrian Flux

Type of insurance.................... Fully Comprehensive

Excess............................... £100

Age of driver/s...................... 40 & 38

Engine size.......................... 1915 DG

No. Of seats.........................5

Year of Vehicle...................... 1989

Limited miles.........................Unlimited (including Commuting).

Agreed Value......................... £4500

years NCB............................ 1

breakdown y/n... ............ .......£42 extra

homestart y/n.................... N

European breakdown cover y/n..... 30 Days

Legal Protection y/n?................ Y

NCB protection n/y?.................. Y

Syncro y/n........................... N

Any stipulations from insurer?.......

modifications from standard?........ Gasure LPG

Happy with service 0=unhappy up to 10: Not Tried it..don't want to either.

Other Info- DIY converted panel van,gave insurers a full list of what was included and renovated,including loads of extra pictures for reference.

club80-90 name ........................?

Ammount per year.....................277.29

Insurance company....................Just Kampers Insurance Services (Highway Insurance Co.)

Type of insurance....................Fully Comp


Age of driver/s......................32

Engine size..........................1.9

No. Of seats.........................6

Year of Vehicle......................1990

Limited miles........................n/a

Agreed Value.........................Yes

years NCB............................10

breakdown y/n........................n

homestart y/n........................n

European breakdown cover y/n.........n

Legal Protection y/n?................y

NCB protection n/y?..................y

Syncro y/n...........................n

Any stipulations from insurer?.......n

modifications from standard?.........y Alloys

Happy with service 0=unhappy up to 10:5

Other Info- You need to have a good local garage that will deal with insurance companies as they don't deal with repairing campervans as such, they hand you over to another company who try to repair your van but don't really have a clue what they are dealing with.

80-90 NAME...........................Hacksawbob

Ammount per year.....................264

Insuarance company...................CIS

Type of insurance....................Fully comp


Age of driver/s......................36+38

Engine size..........................1.9

No. Of seats.........................4

Year of Vehicle......................1989

Limited miles........................6-8K

Agreed Value.........................4-5K

years NCB............................4

breakdown y/n........................y

homestart y/n........................y

European breakdown cover y/n.........y

Legal Protection y/n?................y

NCB protection n/y?..................y

Syncro y/n...........................n

Any stipulations from insurer?.......

modifications from standard?.........lpg

Happy with service 0=unhappy up to 10:

Other Info- Dont have camper as an option online but they do have VW transporter 1.9 high roof.

80-90 NAME.........................not another leak

Ammount per year................£240

Insuarance company ...................liverpool victoria(frizzel)

Type of insurance ..................fully comp

Excess ........................£100

Age of driver/s ..................42/40

Engine size ..........................1.9

No. Of seats. .......................4

Year of Vehicle.................1989

Limited miles.

Agreed Value agreed value but acepted as a camper and not a van

years NCB ............................full

breakdown ........................ no

homestart y/n. .......................n/a

European breakdown cover y/n .........n/a

Legal Protection y/n? ......yes

NCB protection n/y?......yes

Any stipulations from insurer?.no

modifications from standard?

Happy with service 0=unhappy up to 10: 10

Other Info- camper van

80-90 NAME...........................Ghost123UK

Ammount per year.....................£180

Insuarance company...................Glynwood Insurance Services

Type of insurance....................Family Camper Scheme


Age of driver/s......................51

Engine size..........................1.9

No. Of seats.........................2

Year of Vehicle......................1982

Limited miles........................NO

Agreed Value.........................Yes

years NCB............................16

breakdown y/n........................N

homestart y/n........................N

European breakdown cover y/n.........N

Legal Protection y/n?................N

NCB protection n/y?..................Y

Syncro y/n...........................N

Any stipulations from insurer?.......N

modifications from standard?.........LPG

Happy with service 0=unhappy up to 10: Too early to tell, phone calls nice.

Other Info- Recomended by a few folks I spoke to.

80-90 NAME.........................IvorBrownun

Ammount per year...£220

Insuarance company...Equity Red Star Broker Caravan Club................

Type of insurance..Fully Comp............


Age of driver/s......................43

Engine size..........................2.1

No. Of seats.........................4

Year of Vehicle......................87

Limited miles........................6000

Agreed Value.........................

years NCB............................Full NCB

breakdown y/n........................N

homestart y/n........................

European breakdown cover y/n.....N....N

Legal Protection y/n?................N

NCB protection n/y?..................Y

Syncro y/n...........................N

Any stipulations from insurer?

modifications from standard?.........LPG

Happy with service 0=unhappy up to 10: 10

Other Info- Parked on street, I don't use it to travel to work in which gave me a discount. I don't have an agreed value, but when they asked value I told them £5,000. As long as similar vans are being advertised for this or more, should be ok for payout in worst case scenario.

80-90 NAME...........................matt

Ammount per year.....................£188 total

Insuarance company...................just kamper

Type of insurance....................full


Age of driver/s......................37 and 35

Engine size..........................1.9

No. Of seats.........................5

Year of Vehicle......................1987

Limited miles........................unlimited

Agreed Value.........................£4500

years NCB............................9

breakdown y/n........................n

homestart y/n........................n

European breakdown cover y/n.........n

Legal Protection y/n?................y

NCB protection n/y?..................y

Syncro y/n...........................n

Any stipulations from insurer?.......unlited mods

modifications from standard?.........eber, poptop etc etc

Happy with service 0=unhappy up to 10: so far so good...but not claimed as yet : 0

Other Info-

CLUB 80-90 Name............................ mininuts

Amount per year............................ £247.00

Insurance Company.......................... Adrian Flux

Type of Insurance.......................... Fully Comp.

Excess..................................... £150

Age of Drivers............................. 39 & 36

Engine Size................................ 1.9DG

No.of Seats................................ 4/5

Year of Vehicle............................ 1990

Limited Miles.............................. 4000

Agreed Value............................... £7000

Years NCB.................................. None

Breakdown.................................. No

Homestart.................................. No

European Breakdown......................... 30 days

Legal Protection........................... Yes

NCB Protection............................. N/A

Syncro..................................... No

Modifications From Stamdard................ Alloy Wheels

Happy With Service......................... Not had to use them yet

Other Info.................................Policy includes contents cover up to £500 per item.

80-90 NAME...........................MatFlint

Ammount per year.....................£220

Insuarance company...................A.Flux

Type of insurance....................Fully Comp


Age of driver/s......................35

Engine size..........................1800

No. Of seats.........................4

Year of Vehicle.....................1985.

Limited miles........................6000

Agreed Value.........................£3000

years NCB............................6

breakdown y/n........................y

homestart y/n........................y

European breakdown cover y/n.........y

Legal Protection y/n?................y

NCB protection n/y?..................y

Syncro y/n...........................y

Any stipulations from insurer?.......

modifications from standard?.........

Happy with service 0=unhappy up to 10:

Other Info- Cheapest quote by far wanted 6 photos for agreed value