General Spot Blaster
From VW T25(T3)-Tech
Jump to navigationJump to searchThe small hand-held 'spot-blaster' has now come of age and 'hobby/home' ones are available very economically.
They are ideal for vehicle seam work, making the removal of corrosion and old paint from very tight areas quick and thorough.
A typical advert for a small 'hobby' spot-blaster (about £25~£35)
'Spot Shot' Air Sand Blaster Kit - Closed Cycle/Recycling
- The most effective way to clean otherwise impossible-to-reach corners and edges!
- Closed-cycle system recycles blasting abrasive for minimal waste and mess
- 4 custom spot-nozzles: surface spot; inside-corner; outside-corner and panel-edge nozzle
- Includes easy-pull trigger gun; aluminium abrasive cannister; recovery filter
- Essential time-saver for professionals and serious do-it-yourselfers when preparing metal surfaces