Misc tips and tricks - Joining the Waze Group

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Ok, instructions then.

Waze won't offer you a Group to join unless it can see it, as having active members reasonably nearby, for whatever original reason that was. Se need some exploits if you cannot find the master 80-90 group called

Club 80-90

Remember, search using a capital C, Club[space]80[hyphen]90 ~ it matters

Right let's go

Download Waze onto your smartphone

Join/Register Waze with your 80/90 username as your username and nickname on waze

Go to icon (bottom left) then 'My Waze' and 'Waze Groups', 'Goto Groups' (maybe hiding at bottom of screen)

If you can't find (search) 'Club 80-90' group itself, look for a local 80-90 or T25 group (hopefully one close to you).

Once you've joined the local one, go down members list and see what other groups the members are in. They should list 'Club 80-90' - join that. You're in.

If you are wayz away from anyone else in our Waze group, then you will probably not be able to find it to join it. In that case:-

1) could try Marlow's exploit of jnstalling 'fake GPS' app, cheating towards a known bunch of 80-90 Wazers, joining and then retreating... it does work, allegedly 2) encouraging intermediaries to join, daisy chaining across to you 3) wait for a member to drive by with it switched on (i.e. keep checking) 4) go for a dfive to civilsation yourself :)

Supposedly, once you are joined up, it holds the group for ever