Areas that rust - Behind VW underseal

From VW T25(T3)-Tech
Revision as of 11:26, 11 July 2010 by HarryMann (talk | contribs)
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This is a general description of what can be found behind apparently good looking original VW underseal, once a chink is seen and it is stripped back for inspection...

This case happens to be typical of front jacking points approached from the wheel-well and rear cross member/jacking points also approached from associated the wheel-well.


Rust Underseal 03.JPG

A good tool to clear away underseal is a re-shaped wood-chisel

Moving back behind the rusty bulkhead, down along the sill, a good idea is to rattle out rust and much from behind the area... no good trying to treat heavy scale that can be rattled off and out. Here the first rubbish to come out are lumps of dried clay, smash up and rattle/vacuum out, then ten minutes of knocking around and rodding, a good quantity of scale can be extracted

Rust Underseal 02.JPG

All from spotting an edge of underseal starting to peel away from a flange and investigating further.. looked fine at first sight.