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Back again

Posted: 13 Nov 2005, 03:16
by syncropaddy
Whats been happening since I was here last.? Been away in Marbella for a week. No internet and no syncro ...................

Posted: 14 Nov 2005, 15:00
by airhead
I got broken into and was going nuts trying to get in touch with you to get a side window off you! :roll: :wink: Had to go and buy one off the glass place instead. Was lucky they had one in stock. Was there a chap called Michael in touch with you? He is looking to buy a syncro and i told him youre selling yours. Hes after a caravelle but I told him you have an interior for one anyway. Ill give you a buzz this evening.

Posted: 22 Nov 2005, 22:59
by livineire
Hi, lads I have left posts for both of you ,
Syncropaddy I would have loved to have bought van of you here in Ireland to avoid all the hassle in bringing vehicle over from UK., however I did not want a lhd ...
Airhead sincere thanks for offer to meet up sometime to show me what these vehicles will do ..look forward to it ...
Any help you can give me regards advice on insurance or multi-vehicle policys who is best to use etc or best advice on import from UK will be very much appreciated...

Hope to meet up with you both soon..

Posted: 23 Nov 2005, 00:09
by Mudlark
We are all looking forward to the first Syncronauts in Ireland event !

There must be some lovely spots around those Wicklow mountains !

Posted: 23 Nov 2005, 22:53
by syncropaddy
Been looking at a few possible venues. There are a few official off road centres in the Wicklow hills and Im trying to get a bit of interest going. In the meantime I'll make a few vids

Posted: 24 Nov 2005, 16:37
by airhead
Well needless to say Ill be there anyway! We could put the fear of god into those poncey hillwalkers with their silly walking sticks and big brown fluffy boots and stupid hats with flaps on the side and squeaky waterproof trousers! Lets do it! :lol: