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Subaru's on LPG?

Posted: 20 Nov 2009, 09:25
by silverbullet
I'm giving this serious consideration as it makes total sense to my bank balance but...I have recently been warned off the whole idea by experienced persons at 8090 with reports of blown maf sensors from backfires and rapidly disappearing exhaust valve seats. :shock:
Same on 2.1 wbx...
Has anyone had a Scoob on gas for longer mileages? e.g. 30k?
Ar these problems something associated with early vapourizer systems or bad set-up e.g. over-advanced timing on gas for power = pinking on petrol? What's the track record for sequential systems?
Do you need to use fuel additive in the petrol, like gasure supply?
Should I be asking Steve Shaw all of the above? :lol:

Re: Subaru's on LPG?

Posted: 20 Nov 2009, 09:53
by Ian Hulley
silverbullet wrote: Same on 2.1 wbx...

There are quite a few people on here who've been running 2.1 WBXs without any LPG related adverse effects for many years ... other than the price of gas encourages you to use the camper more and therefore run up the mileage :lol:


Re: Subaru's on LPG?

Posted: 20 Nov 2009, 09:54
by steve8090
Firstly there are more good stories and experienced owners than those that have had bad, mostly with the mechanical AFM on the 2.1 it is down to lack of correct and qualified servicing that creates the backfire, this damages the anti backfire valve, this unit protects the AFM for one big backfire, after that it needs to be checked as another backfire will bypass the valve and damage the AFM, again with burnt exhaust valves it is down to over advanced timing, weak mixtures etc that could have been sorted at a correct service.

The Subaru does not have a mechanical AFM so a backfire would not do any damage to it anyway, however it is japanese and the materials they use are ofter of poorer quality so we counter act this with a "flashlube" system to stop the valves from stretching, it is not used on the VW because the materials are so much harder and durable, my own 2.0 air coold has done over 300k miles of which 200k has been on LPG and I've rebuilt the motor once, however I digress, the Subaru is newer technology and at a minimum would have an electronic feedback LPG system called a Closed loop system or better still a Sequential system which is the best, the VW's will not take this system as they do not have the correct imputs for injector timing etc.

It is your call, nobody is going to twist your arm, you can listen to the scare mongers if you want its your choice but if it was that bad don't you think that there would be more call to get rid of it altogether, but no there is more and more call for it, you can even buy factory conversions, I can give you references to other Subaru owners with their permission of course if you want.

It would be nice also if these so called experienced owners on 80-90 gave me some feedback if they are my systems but I've heard nothing from nobody.

Re: Subaru's on LPG?

Posted: 20 Nov 2009, 12:52
by silverbullet
Thanks Steve, I didn't mean any offence to anyone!
I simply wanted to double check what I had been told recently by verifying from people with direct experience. I fully appreciate that the Subaru is rather more delicately built in certain departments when compared to an a/c or wbx (we undertake special machining to these engines for the 500bhp+ crowd for our local engine shop so I've seen a few spoiled ones) and I would only consider a full house sequential conversion anyway. The individual circumstances of any engine failure are, of course, subject to the "rose tint" effect. As the saying goes, opinions are like ar##holes...and you get what you pay for.
Will be in touch to book in and discuss my bus conversion.

Re: Subaru's on LPG?

Posted: 20 Nov 2009, 19:05
by syncroandy
I just fitted a Bigas SGIS engine kit to my EJ25. Had to drill/tap the inlet manifold to fit the nozzles, and the wiring was a bit fiddly, but other wise no probs encountered and it ran first time. It has exceeded my expectations, with seamless cutover between petrol and gas. Highly recommended. The people I bought the kit off did insist I took a Flashlube kit as well as the Subaru is supposed to have 'soft' valve seats. I'll post some pics this weekend.

PS. The Subaru waterboxer is demonstrably far more durable than the VW design.

PPS. Allow more than one day for a good neat LPG installation...

Re: Subaru's on LPG?

Posted: 21 Nov 2009, 16:43
by R0B
go on then.who told you that? my 2.1 has been running for a few years now on problems at all...

Same on 2.1 wbx

Re: Subaru's on LPG?

Posted: 21 Nov 2009, 17:10
by syncroandy
Yeah, the 2.1 I had in there before run fine on LPG for nearly fours years before I swapped it for the Subaru. I used an OMVL Millenium kit on that.

R0B wrote:go on then.who told you that? my 2.1 has been running for a few years now on problems at all...

Same on 2.1 wbx

Re: Subaru's on LPG?

Posted: 24 Nov 2009, 13:32
by silverbullet
I'm reassured and convinced that it's a good thing. Thanks all.
Going to find the deposit and get it booked in at Gasure if I possibly can - the worst bit will be getting home having left it there...

Re: Subaru's on LPG?

Posted: 02 Dec 2009, 16:14
by jamesc76
syncroandy wrote:I just fitted a Bigas SGIS engine kit to my EJ25. Had to drill/tap the inlet manifold to fit the nozzles, and the wiring was a bit fiddly, but other wise no probs encountered and it ran first time. It has exceeded my expectations, with seamless cutover between petrol and gas. Highly recommended. The people I bought the kit off did insist I took a Flashlube kit as well as the Subaru is supposed to have 'soft' valve seats. I'll post some pics this weekend.

PS. The Subaru waterboxer is demonstrably far more durable than the VW design.

PPS. Allow more than one day for a good neat LPG installation...

Would love to see some pics etc and how you did it etc :ok