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LEZ's diesel and what to do next!!??

Posted: 30 Apr 2008, 10:27
by deke
Sorry to ask this novice question but I really am unclear as to an alternative engine . At present I have a 1600TD which runs beautifully. Unfortunately I live in the LEZ zone and this will be non compliant by 2010. Apparently no filter known to mankind will help on this vintage of engine.I don't think you can run a diesel on LPG and Transport for London seem to imply that bio fuel will not do either. Therefore am I faced with having to change to a petrol engine and what is this likely to cost? I must get the info now as I don't want to pour money into a camper that will be redundant in 2 years time. By the way I am quite prepared to have this done professionally as I don't have the expertise. Many thanks for ploughing through this! Deke.

Posted: 30 Apr 2008, 15:07
by lambrettalee
just move man , who wants to live in a dump like london!!! :wink:


Posted: 02 May 2008, 19:12
by Vanda
I checked this out with TFL who emailed me the following reply:

From 4th of February 2008, the Scheme had an introduction phase with only diesel-engined
motor caravans that are over 12 tonnes gross weight. These vehicles are required to meet an
emission standard of Euro III to be used in the zone without paying the daily charge. On this
case vehicles that are registered before October 2001, will considered non-compliant to Scheme.
From 7th July 2008, all diesel-engined motor caravans weighing between 3.5 and 12 tonnes
gross vehicle weight will be required to meet this standard.
From October 2010, all diesel-engined motor caravans weighing between 2.5 and 3.5 tonnes
gross vehicle weight will also be required to meet the Euro III standard.
From January 2012, all diesel-engined motor caravans weighing over 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle
weight will be required to meet an emission standard of Euro IV.

I think it looks as though as long as a van is registered as a cmper/motor home it should be ok. They also said you can check each van by submitting reg details.

would be good to know if anybody else has more info though.

Posted: 03 May 2008, 10:57
by deke
Good stuff Francine. I'm learning all the time and this looks promising. A couple of months ago I typed in my reg. on the TFLA website and was told I was liable by this July!! They had the T25 listed under the wrong weight. Last week I went on again and this has changed to 2010, so obviously they are learning on the hoof, so to speak. Your news is even better, and as someone said to my posting on the alt. engine forum, maybe things will change with the advent of the new mayor.Thanks again for replying everyone.

Posted: 07 May 2008, 07:46
by kathyshack
i drove through a low emission zone on sat when we went to aweding in London. I'd neer heard of it and didn't have a clue what it was all about! Is it just that people who live their cannot have high eissions cars, or can you not even drive through it?

Posted: 07 May 2008, 09:39
by deke
You cant drive through it unless you pay £200 a day. Fortunately this does not apply to us YET. Read Francine's previous posting for more info. This will even apply to foreigners.. This is designed for large polluting vehicles and will be good for us who live here and breathe the air. The down side is that we might get caught up in it as the noose tightens. I'm planning ahead for this contingency (2010) but hope that Francine's findings mean we are all exempt. No harm in discussing it though.

Posted: 07 May 2008, 09:45
by deke
P.S. See more on alt engines forum.

Posted: 11 Jun 2008, 13:58
by camper
I received the low emission zone vehicle complience record ref vehicle details enquiry from the lez for my 1.6td T25.With hopes that it would be exempt from charges /non complience as registered as a motor home/caravan after oct 2010. The details on the complience record show the unladen weight 1.480kg but the gross weight was not recorded and is shown as zero.I had sent a copy of the registration document & specifications of vw t25 body types which show the gross weights.The max gross weight is 2.500kg or 2.5 tonnes .I telephoned the lez to inquire to ask to look up my details sent to them and amend its gross weight and asked if it was registered as a motor home/caravan and was under 2.5 tonnes would it be exempt after oct 2010 .The person i was speaking to at the lez said registered as a motor home/caravan and under 2.5 tonnes it would still be non complient and not exempt ..As can be read from the last paragraph october 2010 all diesel engined motor caravans weighing between 2.5 and 3.5 tonnes . Gross weight recorded for a diesel T25 motor/caravan if under 2.5 tonnes suggests it could be exempt but was told not so by the lez.Can any one else clarify or had experiance with the lez on this subject? From 4th of February 2008, the Scheme had an introduction phase with only diesel-engined
motor caravans that are over 12 tonnes gross weight. These vehicles are required to meet an
emission standard of Euro III to be used in the zone without paying the daily charge. On this
case vehicles that are registered before October 2001, will considered non-compliant to Scheme.
From 7th July 2008, all diesel-engined motor caravans weighing between 3.5 and 12 tonnes
gross vehicle weight will be required to meet this standard.
From October 2010, all diesel-engined motor caravans weighing between 2.5 and 3.5 tonnes
gross vehicle weight will also be required to meet the Euro III standard.
From January 2012, all diesel-engined motor caravans weighing over 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle
weight will be required to meet an emission standard of Euro IV.

Posted: 11 Jun 2008, 14:10
by Titus A Duxass
Do you know any good European Human Rights lawyers?

This must infringe your rights.

Posted: 11 Jun 2008, 16:34
by toomanytoys
Yeah, where does it say about under 2.5 tons and most T25's are actually about 2300-2400kgs gross, Syncro's are 2500 and heavy duty suspension models (rare) are 2600kgs...

from what they have said it doesnt make sense.. they havent said what the under 2500 are... needs clarification...

does this affect just comercials and campers? will cars come into it too?

And are any of the busses and taxi's meeting any emissions requirements... not many of the ones that choke me on the way to and from work......