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Lowering Clamps

Posted: 26 Jan 2006, 10:48
by redstar
Does anyone have any experience of these? I think they are made by 'Grayson'...... They just seem a 'cheap' way of dropping the bus an inch, is it adviseable? Or is it just more 'tat'?? any help, as always greatly recieved! :D

Posted: 26 Jan 2006, 13:08
by Blingpanzer
'orrible things - avoid at all costs.

1. Ruins the progressive compression of the spring, resulting in a lumpy ride.

2. Creates stress-raisers at the compressed points, leading to the risk of spring failure.

3. Bulky, so run the risk of catching on the surrounding hardware.

4. Dampers no longer matched to the ride height; excessive friction = rapid wear and a harsh ride due to the damper working well into its 'bump' zone rather than at its design 'comfort' zone. Potentially dangerous with respect to suspension behaviour under braking too.

Best to save for a decent complete springs/dampers kit; that way, you actually get benefits other than kerbside static appeal alone!

Posted: 26 Jan 2006, 13:47
by redstar
Thanks muchly mister! :wink: Thought i could cheapskate something else, but no with the valid opinions...not! I thought of a couple of them, but no so in depth, cheers mate....