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Paint help

Posted: 23 Jun 2014, 21:58
by Combehatter

Just attempted my first seam!

Got it raked out, cleaned, vatcan and tiger sealed.

Rubbed the area around down with 1200 grits to get a key, primer on with a rattle can, light rub and then over with two coats of paint (Halfords VW Pastel White).

Now I have a rough finish, colour wise it is fine but it looks Matt and the texture is like running you finger over paper almost? I have used the can on other areas for touch up and it was fine but this is a bigger area.

1) what have I done wrong?
2) How can I fix it?

Cheers in advance


Re: Paint help

Posted: 23 Jun 2014, 23:13
by Plasticman
bit more description and maybe a picky .... heaven forbid.............

Re: Paint help

Posted: 24 Jun 2014, 04:58
by Combehatter
Off on a trip round the country Will try to take one when I get back but as the bus is white I don't know how clear it will be.

It's just, well, rough. No gloss or sheen to it.

Having a bit of a google after posting this last night it seems it could have been drying before it got into contact with the body as it was a warm, dry day. I may have been too far from the bus as well apparently, I was about 6-10 inches away.

Re: Paint help

Posted: 24 Jun 2014, 08:04
by Plasticman
well detail pick tells a lot also seeing what you done in the seam etc,

Re: Paint help

Posted: 24 Jun 2014, 09:45
Looks like you googled the answer already chap.

If you have been using a rattle can in this weather on a hot van the solvent has probably flashed off before its hit the van and you've in effect sprayed it with x coats of overspray. :ok

Re: Paint help

Posted: 24 Jun 2014, 10:21
by Plasticman
Agree with you there but also prep and tigwrseal etc hmm

Re: Paint help

Posted: 24 Jun 2014, 10:42
by Combehatter
If it is that I take it I rub down with wet and dry and start over again? (On a cooler day?)

Re: Paint help

Posted: 24 Jun 2014, 11:08
by Plasticman
picky helps , how did you apply seal to seam? how did you then remove it etc?

Re: Paint help

Posted: 24 Jun 2014, 11:33
by Combehatter
Removed the seam with a dremel narrow cutting wheel then blasted with 60-80 grit (tried blasting first but wouldn't shift the sealant). Blew out with air line then painted vatcan into the seam with a modellers brush. When dry masked close to the edges of the seam and sealed it with tiger seal in a caulking gun. Sealant was then forced in with a wet finger and tape removed and left to cure.

Primer over the bare metal then the top coat...

Pic later when I get home to sunny Devon!

Cheers for your help gents.

Re: Paint help

Posted: 24 Jun 2014, 12:43
1200 will be soul destroying. 400 will do on a solid colour :ok