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Rock and roll bed hinges

Posted: 18 Jun 2014, 19:50
by youthy giblets
Evening all! Can anybody suggest a supplier of decent rock and roll hinges to fit a T3? I have seen some on just pumpers sell some but it say to fit a T3 a raised platform has to be made on top of the engine hatch and I don't want to do that.

Re: Rock and roll bed hinges

Posted: 18 Jun 2014, 21:51
by CovKid
I used Marcle hinges:" onclick=";return false;

Somewhere on there. My bed lays flat - just made seat base to suit (in the WIKI under beds).

That said, there are simpler bed designs around that don't require such hinges. I wouldn't rush at it.

These are nice but also seen simpler ones that use two box section frames that slide one inside the other:" onclick=";return false;

Re: Rock and roll bed hinges

Posted: 23 Jun 2014, 20:57
by fufflenarnia
I wish I had read this last week.

I have just installed just Kames hinges, I have got the bed level with the engine bay, but the seat height is lower and a little more vertical than I would like. It also took a very stressful day to get near complete. It would have been easier to go from scratch.

I think something very good could be done with a self build bed.

Re: Rock and roll bed hinges

Posted: 23 Jun 2014, 21:31
by CovKid
Said this a few times now, but the best way to get it right is make a 'dummy' seat base first for testing. It doesn't even need to be the final width of seat (2 foot wide ample) just so you can see how it folds and where it will land. Once you've got it right, THEN build the seat base using that as your basic design. I can't for the life of me understand why there even needs to be a built-up bit behind so it falls level. Its perfectly possible to majke a seat base that is comfy but will also lay flat. Having to build platforms strikes me as a bodge to fix a seat base that wasn't right to start with.

I made my own and took the time to measure, check, test, recut, try again until it was perfectly flat:




Its all on this page: ... R_bed_base" onclick=";return false;