Classified adverts on this forum

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Classified adverts on this forum

Post by Mocki »

All For Sale adverts on this forum are required to have a price and a means of contact
Just like the old postcard in the newsagents window , or the adverts in the back of the local newspaper , no one can reply , and they magically disappear after 28 days. Links to other web sites are not permitted .
This was implemented years ago to stop the inevitable “thats too much “ and “you can get them cheaper new” replies which were causing troubles .

If you just come to advertise whatever you are selling for free, thats fine, we encourage that , but please put a email or phone number on your advert if you are not ever going to come back to read personal messages !

Wanted adverts also expire 28 days after they were last posted to, but can be replied to .
tel / txt O7947-137911

1989 2.1LpgWBX HiTop Leisuredrive Camper
1988 2.1 Auto Caravelle TS TinTop Camper 

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