Haha I got it working

- I checked my cam phone pic and I inserted it 180 degrees out ... re-aligning to cylinder no. 1 still didn't work ...
So I finally checked the hall connector wiring, and pulled off the original connectors rubber sleeve (since i originally wired by the order as they entered the outside of the rubber sleeve in top to bottom order) only to find the top & bottom wires the wrong way round on ingress to the connector! doh!
I also made a classic mistake of leaving my leisure battery on charge overnight (bearing in mind I've only just bought the camper!), rather than the main battery which was completely flat... Now it's all systems go again after correcting the wiring and recharging the correct battery!
Its runs better than ever, and I used the manual method to fine tune the timing (Without a gun) going by sound ... fantastics, perserverence pays off in the end when your a dumfounded idiot like me!
Cheers for all your responses,
1987 T25 2.1 petrol (donored from a 1990 model! was a 1.9 originally) High-Top 2-berth